In 1973 David Yonggi Cho, Pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, established Prayer Mountain with night and day prayer. Prayer Mountain was soon attracting over a million visitors per year, as people would spend retreats in the prayer cells provided on the mountain. Cho had a commitment to continuous prayer, to faith and to establishing small discipleship cells in his church. Perhaps as a result, Cho’s church rapidly expanded to become the largest church congregation on the globe, with membership now over 780,000.
On September 19, 1999, the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, started a prayer and worship meeting that has continued for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week ever since. With a similar vision to Zinzendorf, that the fire on the altar should never go out, there has never been a time when worship and prayer has not ascended to heaven since that date.
Also in September of 1999 the Lord began a work that would spread across Europe and the world. 24-7 Prayer is an international movement encouraging and engaging Christians to delve deeper into prayer, mission and justice all over the world. Founded by Pete Grieg and documented the journey in the book Red Moon Rising. Today, 24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice; a non-stop prayer meeting that has continued for every minute of this century so far, in over half the countries on Earth.
In 2006 Sean Feucht founded a grassroots global worship, prayer and missions organization; Burn 24/7. The central focus of the Burn 24-7 is to call the church back to the first and greatest commandment and witness a generation of burning hearts arise with renewed faith, vision and sacrificial pursuit after the Presence of God.
In these times, in many other places around the world, God placed desires and plans for 24/7 prayer in the fabric of diverse ministries and in the hearts of leaders. This has resulted in 24/7 houses of prayer and prayer rooms being established in every continent of the earth.